This weekend was the first weekend I have been able to go snowboarding since I broke my collarbone on December 13, 2024. It's been about 9 weeks and it seems like a lot has changed during that time. I've been starting to feel better most days, all though the horrors do persist at times. "The horrors persist, but so do I." Jack, Eva, Tim and I decided to get up on Saturday at about 4:30 AM and make the trek out to the mountains. We initially thought we would hit up Copper but the GPS said it would take about 3 hours to get there so we pivoted and hit Winter Park instead. The snow was great! I think we got in about 5-6 runs and called it early at about 12:30. When I got back home last night I told myself I wanted to get auth working on this site so that way I could sign in create blog posts straight from the web page, but didn't really know what the best way of going about it would be. I started with the tutorial on NextJS's page but ended up getting stuck after about an hour of digging. Plus, my brother, Pete, ended up calling and we discussed some plans on how to best deal with the current political landscape. Anyway, woke up this morning and after playing with Next-Auth, which is now just known as Auth.js, I was able to finally get Auth working on the site! I used Github as an oAuth provider and from there added in functionality to create blog posts. This blog post is being made from right inside the site itself, after I have authenticated my user! There is a middleware running to prevent non-authenticated users from accessing the create blog route, I wonder if that will be robust enough to prevent attacks but I still have more to learn! So far unauthenticated users will be redirected away from the '/blog/create' route immediately back to the home page due to the current set up of the middleware! I'm super excited to have this all working and now will need to come up with my next thing to do! Later y'all.